book moxie (jasmine).


  • Minimum tattoo fee of $300 for 2 hours or less

  • $250 an hour for a minimum of 2 hours or more

  • Artist will accept Cash, Cashapp, Venmo or Zelle as forms of payments

  • Smaller sized tattoos can only book on same day, so limited availability, which will be provided by assistant.

  • Artist does not use color, is a black and gray artist only.

  • Artist does not send drawings in advance, all drawings will be shown at day of appointment and discussed then if any changes need to be made at that time.

  • Touch up is free within the first year, there is a $50 fee due upon booking the appt for any touch ups after the initial year.

    A $100 deposit is required to book an appointment, and will be charged at time of booking.

  • Your deposit is nonrefundable if appointment is cancelled, it is transferable to reschedule, but if appointment is cancelled, deposit is forfeited unless for a proven emergency.

  • Please expect a text message as a reply to your form! So make sure your number is correct on your form, you should hear back from us within 2-3 days if it is longer than a week, then it is most likely that this is not a project that we will is a good fit, but we are always thankful for your submissions!

  • Thank you!

*We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

Fill Out a Submission Form Below:

(Books are currently closed. Please fill out a waitlist submission form if you are interested in booking when her books open next round!)